table tail take talk tall tape task taste taxi tea teach teacher
team technology telephone television(=TV) tell temperature ten tennis
tenth term terrible test text than thank that the theatre(AmE theater)
their them themselves then there these they thick thin thing think
third thirsty thirteen thirty this those though thought thousand three
through throw Thursday ticket tidy tie tiger time tiny tired to
today together toilet tomato tomorrow ton tonight too tool tooth(pl.teeth)
toothache top total touch tour tourist toward(s) tower town toy trade
traditional traffic train training translate travel treasure treat tree
trip trouble trousers truck true trust truth try T-shirt Tuesday turn
twelfth twelve twentieth twenty twice two
ugly UK umbrellauncle under underground understand unit university
unless until(till) up upon us US use used useful usual usually
vacation valuable value vegetable very victory video village violin
visit visitor voice volleyball
wait wake walk wall wallet want war warm warn wash waste
watch water watermelon way we weak wealth wear weather website
Wednesday week weekday weekend weigh weight welcome well west
western wet what whatever wheel when whenever where whether