
1 A less B all C little D much

2 A head B neck C smell D temperature

3 A returned B carried C sent D handed

4 A at once B at last C by then D on time

5 A once B really C himself D yet

6 A come B walk C see D eat

7 A kept B done C made D found

8 A sorry B worried C sad D angry

9 A helped B killed C saved D covered

10 A other B another C that D the other

11 A city B village C farm D part

12 A Certainly not B Of course C That's nothing D Never mind

13 A hole B forest C lake D house

14 A swimming B resting C flying D lying

15 A fill B lock C hit D keep

16 A sent up B put down C did with D moved away

17 A shows B talks C sees D knows

18 A geese B animals C legs D farmers

19 A slower B faster C less D more

20 A more slowly B more carefully C faster D earlier

[答案] 1 D 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 C

6 B 7 B 8 D 9 B 10 D

11 D 12 A 13 C 14 B 15 C

16 B 17 A 18 A 19 D 20 C

其中1选 much是应能从文章字里行间中猜到的,它应为much food to eat 而将food 省略。2要知道 smell 可以作系动词,但也可以作名词,而4则为多个短语的词语辨析:at once 立刻, at last 最终, by then 到那时为止,on time 准时。所以应为at once 7则要熟悉英语的习惯用法,即干这件事要用do,而不用make 10之所以要用D则是因为鹅有两只腿,由于只剩一只而问另一只哪里去了, 要用特指的定冠词。而 other 则为泛指的形容词,一般指复数, another虽然也指单数,但也应用于泛指的情况。而11题因其后有 of the country, 是在乡村的这个部分,所以只能用part country 是不可数名词作"乡村"讲,作为可数名词则作"国家"讲。而作"乡村"讲时,前面的定冠词不可少。19则是要通读全文才知道鹅一只腿站立体息,而一被哄赶 则放下另一只腿跑走了,人是两条腿站着,当被哄赶时那应是再长出两条腿奔跑着逃走。由此可见中考的难题越来越不在语法项,而在阅读和完形上用以选拔高质量 的学生。
