
[析] 本文在阅读过程中会感到难度,而其问题与选项的设计更为困难。其难点不仅在于要阅读好文章,而且要对问题和问题中的选择项作深入仔细地阅读。如1题的问句 之意是有多少个孩子在游戏中扮演印第安人。而文章中又有"How many Indians?" I asked 当作者问到有多少印第安人时,其答语为" about a thousand" 这对于看不懂全文,而只认识个别单词的人就是一种很强的误导作用。因题目中问的是 How many,而文章中的数字是 a thousand 但如果认真往下看则会发现: I was pushed out into the night and became a thousand Indians 我被推入了黑暗之中变成了一千个印第安人。所以文章暗示了一个小孩来扮演一千个印第安人。这种题目的得分率自然不会很高。紧接而来的2 题则更困难,问题问的是 Joe 的堂兄说他来的正是时候,是因为 ______。这是要认真去推理来判定的。由文中的句子 and before I could say no …这显然暗示了作者并不想扮演这样的角色,所以可以推论是没有人愿意扮演这个角色,但正在这个时候 Joe 来了,而且不由分说把 Joe 推入了角色之中。而3题则更加困难,其题目之意是"Joe 没有说出牛仔是绞死人"的这一句话是为了什么 ______。从文章中 Joe 被一群孩子追逐后被抓住,十分不高兴,想从中解脱出来。因其他孩子讲我们可以烧死他。所以 Joe 为了摆脱困境而要讲出的话是:"只有印第安人才烧人,而牛仔是用绳子绞死人。"后半句没有讲出来,是因为他看到如果要烧死人还需要找柴,找火柴,还是要一 段时间的,但绳子就在他身上,如果绞死人那几乎是立刻马上之事。所以其答案选择了B。 这样的话可能会使事情更糟。4 题的题目是简单的,即下面陈述中那个是真实的。由于中考英语答案是唯一的,所以只有一个是符合标准的。这时可以采用选取正确答案的方法,但实际上更好的办 法是排除法。把不正确的排除后再对其他项进行对比,作出选择。这叫作所谓的排除法。首先排除的应是C选项,因文章中讲在他们上车回家的路上妈妈问他:"为 什么 Bobby 要火柴,他问爸爸是否有火柴。" 这里的爸爸显然指的是 Joe 的爸爸而不是 Bobby的爸爸。而其他三个选项则都处于可选之例:如A项应为 Joe 的一个堂兄在找火柴。B项是爸爸不想给孩子任何火柴。D项是妈妈认为孩子们不应玩火柴。而B项,在文章中根本没有进述Joe 爸爸的态度,所以应首先放弃,而D项是可以从推理中得到的,要不然他的母亲不会在车上问这个问题,但是文章中并未直接提出来,所以只有A是对的。因其妈妈 讲 Bobby 是向 Joe的爸爸寻找火柴。而5项则更是要全文反复阅读才可能领会到其中的原由的。文章的题目要概括全部文章内容,但更重要的是从中抽取最重要的,也就是作者 的主要意图。从文章的最后两句,当作者反问他妈妈时说:"他真的在找火柴?火柴、你敢肯定他是在找火柴吗?"妈妈表示十分肯定,而作者再也不讲什么了。显 然他感到如果玩下去危险的存在。所以其答案是B。这也就是中考中要求较高的题目,虽然分数不多但对要进入重点高中的学生来说,这是个关键问题,也就是成功 与失败的焦点所在。

例:We spent a day in the country and picked a lot of flowers Our car was full of flowers inside! On the way home we had to stop at traffic lights, and there my wife saw the bookshelf It stood outside a furniture (家具)shop"Buy it,” she said at once "We'll carry it home on the roofrack(车顶架) I've always wanted one like that" What could I do? Ten minutes later I was twenty dollars poorer, and the bookshelf was tied on to the roofrack It was tall andnarrow, quite heavy too As it was getting darker, I drove slowly Other drivers seemed more polite than usual that evening The police even stopped traffic to let us through Carrying furniture was a good idea After a time my wife said, "There's a long line of cars behind Why don't they overtake(超车)?" Just at that time a police car did overtake The two officers (警官) inside looked at us seriously when they went past But then, with a kind smile they asked us to follow their car through the busy traffic The police car stopped at our village church(教堂)One of the officers came to me "Right, sir,"he said"Do you need any more help now?" I didn't quite understand"Thanks, officer," I said "You've been very kind I live just down the road" He was looking at our things: first at the flowers, then at the bookshelf "Well, well," he said and laughed "It's a bookshelf you've got there! We thought it was-er something else" My wife began to laugh Suddenly I understood why the police drove here I smilcd at the officer "Yes, it's a bookshelf, but thanks again" I drove home as fast as I could
