



1.① I spent many happy hours with them.

② This picture reminds me of the many happy hours I spent with them.

2.① I bought a few books in the bookstore.

② The few books I bought in the bookstore are written in English .

3. ① I don’t feel like drinking water.

② I don’t feel like drinking the water from this well.

4.① Cotton played an important part in Industrial Revolution.

② The most important thing about cotton in history is the important part that it played in Industrial Revolution.

5.① I have done a little to help you.

② I hope the little that I’ve been able to do has been of some use to you.


另外,在一些限定词的后面只能接泛指的名词,如:a lot of, plenty of, dozens of, hundreds of等。然而,有些却可以增加一个 “of”,便只能后接特指的成分:

后接表“泛指”的名词 后接表“特指”的名词/代词

some (students) some of (the students) a good many (people) a good many of (the people)

most most of (us) a dozen a dozen of (these apples) five hundred five hundred of (them)

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